5 Reasons for My Absence

This blog has gone silent for a while now, but I’m back on it! Here’s what happened while I was away:

Family Moved

Along with many others across the U.S., my family had some relocation happen in 2021. My mom sold her house on the other side of the country and moved closer to her grandkids. It’s GREAT to have her so much closer and we have all been involved in getting her moved and settled into her new home.

New Relationship

In an incredible stroke of luck, I actually managed to connect with another really amazing human being. Details to follow, but just know that I’m super happy and we’re settling in together.

Job Related

Work continues to be a challenge as staff leave for other opportunities, technologies evolve for doing out work, processes change, policies adapt to circumstances, and patrons need more help navigating this tumultuous period. It’s rewarding for sure, but also exhausting.

In-State Travel

Taking time for disconnecting and enjoying the many lovely parts of my home state has eased some of the stress from all this change. I’ve traveled around the state, enjoying the company of my new human. I’ve been a bit of a tour guide and it’s been a lot of fun.

Unsent Letters

With my morning coffee I listened to this episode of the Endless Thread podcast and it sent me on a wonderful emotional roller coaster.

Endless Thread is a podcast about the collection of online communities called reddit. It’s one of the two social network type services I still use. This podcast does deep dives on some of the communities on the site.

This episode has unsent letters from a nurse who worked in a Covid19 ward, a teacher to a student, and a vet tech to pet owners, among others. These letters got me thinking about a lot of different unsent letters I’ve drafted over the years. I think I might contribute to this sub-reddit after hearing these.