
- Drive from Fenton to Ann Arbor's Amtrak station
- Catch 8am train to Chicago's Union Station
- Hop on the CTA train in Chicago headed out to O'Hare
International Airport
- Air India Flight to Mumbai via Frankfurt, Germany
- Arrive in Mumbai (Bombay)
- Day 1:
- Day
- Taxi
tour of the city's sight
- 4am taxi to Mumbai's Domestic airport
- 9am flight out to Kolkata's Dum Dum Airport
- Arrive in Kolkata (Calcutta)
- Day
- Picked
up at the airport by student from Jadavpur University
- Check in to the University Guest House
- Pleasure Tour 1 - Guided Tour of KolKata by three
Jadavpur University students
- Day
- Pleasure Tour 2 - Same group of students with a few
new additions to the group
- Conference Presentations
- Taxi back to Kolkata's Dum Dum Airport for 6pm flight
to Mumbai
- Flight delayed
by two hours
- Took
free shuttle bus to the International Airport
- Greeted by a crowd
of people on the Haj
- Waited in terminal
for 8 hours for flight
- Air India Flight to Chicago via Frankfurt
- Flight delayed
two hours in taking off
- Layover in Germany
exceeded the planned 2 hour layover
- Arrived in Chicago
about 1.25 hours late
- Took 1.5 hours
to get through Immigration, collect luggage, and proceed
through Customs
- Missed the Amtrak train home, so checked into the
Hilton at O'Hare
- Basked in American
- Enjoyed the hotel's
athletic center (steam room, sauna, spa)
- Caught
CTA train to Union Station
- Enjoyed American Hamburgers
at McDonald's at Union Station
- Purchased tissues,
Halls lozenges, and snacks
- Took
Amtrak train from Chicago to Ann Arbor
- Drove
from Ann Arbor back home to Fenton
Itinerary | Bombay
(Day1) | Bombay (Day
2) | Calcutta (Day 1) | Calcutta
(Day 2) | Coming
home | Advice