Who: Catherine, of course!
What: One of several pictures I picked up from Colleen.
Where: Taken at a photo studio, duh!
When: Sept 2004
Why:Because I needed an updated formal picture!
Who: Colleen, her mom, Catherine, and Jeffrey.
What: Lunch!
Where: My house and then out for Chinese
When: August 05, 2004
Why: The gang was in the area on a quest to find a specific
shop. After lunch, we found the place! |
Who: Catherine and Jeffrey.
What: Cake!
Where: The Topper House
When: October 11, 2003
Why: Birthday celebration for the kids.
[ More Photos ] |
Who: Catherine with Mason the Dog.
What: We were outside wandering around.
Where: The Topper House
When: July 28, 2003
Why: Had to drop off some stuff with the gang and check in! |
Who: The Little Princess
What: Striking a pose...with her eyes closed.
Where: The Topper House
When: July 28, 2003
Why: Can you have too many pictures of this cutie? |
Who: Me, Yener (Photographer),
The Topper Family
What: This is me holding my god-daughter, Catherine. Isn't
she a doll?!?
Where: The Topper House
When: January 12, 2003
Why: Because I haven't seen the gang in FOREVER! (Besides...do
I really NEED a reason?)
This is Catherine with her maternal grandparents,
Gloria and Jim. The ceremony was a really well-done affair and we
feasted in Topper-fashion after the event! The dress you see on
Catherine was made out of Gloria's wedding dress and it looked very
cute! |
Who: Colleen, Catherine, Ray, Jeffrey,
and me
What: Catherine's Baptism - Group shot
Where: The Topper House
When: February, 2002
Why: I was asked to be Catherine's God-father. Of course,
I accepted and went to the baptism.
This is a picture of Catherine with her brother, Jeffrey.
In this picture, she's only about 3 months old. Jeffrey is 2 years
old, but you can read all about him on his own
page. I wanted to be sure to include this picture so you could
see the development. Isn't she a doll?!? |
Who: Catherine Marie Topper (pictured with me!)
What: Birth! This was my first visit after her birth on 10/25/2001.
Where: The Topper House
When: October 28, 2001
Why: I just had to see the new baby! Could YOU stay away?!?