Meet Yener!
July, 2003 - Yener's mom came for a visit. She flew all
the way from Turkey to visit one of her sons in California and then
flew here for a month-long visit. Sadly, she had to leave to return
home and I managed to get a photo taken of her with Yener in Chicago
(where she departed).

Yener Gets a Job!
After completing a year of being a visiting professor
at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, Yener was offered a position
at the University of Michigan-Flint.
He currently works in the School of Management (SOM) there and he is
teaching several courses. You can view his homepage at:
More photographs will be posted here soon.
Yener's off to the Army!
Yep, that's right! The Turkish government thought it would
be a good idea to give a Ph.D. in Economics a firearm. As you
can see from the picture to the left, Yener makes one kick-butt
soldier! To his future students at Notre Dame: Be
VERY afraid. {evil laugh}
I'm SO glad he's finally back in the States. He had a very
nice farmer's tan from being out in the sun all day long, he
managed to get burned by a hot shell that was ejected from
a gun during firing practice, and he lost a LOT of weight from
the food they served. Don't worry, Yener, you still look good. |
Yener's Defense and Graduation
** Updated (04/26/2001 ) ** Yener
defended his dissertation today and got it accepted! Personally,
I think this outfit he's wearing helped. (Doesn't he look good?!)
Funny thing is, the chair of his dissertation committee was so impressed
by how nice the jacket looked, he asked Yener where he bought it.
For those of you who are wondering, we found it at the Men's Wearhouse
here in Ann Arbor. I talked him out of getting a lighter colored
jacket (it was light brown or cream colored) in favor of this one.
(Yener...that will be a 5% finder's fee. LOL)
These pictures were taken after Yener had several rather healthy
helpings of beer with me and two other Economics Ph.D. students at
a local Ann Arbor restaurant. A very good time was had by all and
I found that economists can actually be quite fun, once they have
enough alcohol in their systems. (Just kidding, guys! :-) You're
a riot anytime!) Since I didn't ask for permission, I haven't posted
the group shot of the three of them. A picture of me with the new
Ph.D is below:
A Note to Dr. Yener Kandogan:
After about five long years of hard work and dedication,
it is truly wonderful to see you finally finish. I'm glad
that I could be there to help support you during the stressful
times and to share triumphs like this. Believe it or not,
I've enjoyed reading your papers and talking about your work.
Most of all, I wanted to tell you just how proud I am of
your accomplishments and how glad I am to see you done! Good
Job! |
I met Yener in the fall of 1999 at the University of Michigan.
At the time, he was working on his doctoral degree in economics.
After a few meetings, I decided he was someone worth keeping around.
(Those of you who have met him will understand why!) Since that
fateful day in 1999, we have been close friends. I can always count
on him to give me his frank opinion on any matter. In addition to
being one of my best friends in the world, he's the proud parent
to a wonderful pet. More information on this below.
These are some older photographs of Yener, so keep scrolling!
Yener's favorite links:
- Online Turkish Newspapers:
- Datek Online
- Datek is an online stock trading company which supplies a very handy
streamer devide for monitoring stocks.
- A source of European news from an Americanized perspective, Yener
likes to keep an eye on this site because it lets him know which European
news items are of interest to Americans. ("Are we going to send
troops again?" or "How much money are we giving them THIS
- BBC Site
- This is Yener's source of detailed European news from a British perspective.