Pictures from the University of Michigan Commencement
So it finally happened...I got to graduate from the University of Michigan!
It's been a dream of mine ever since I was young to graduate from this
school and I finally did it! It took a lot of hard work; while I'm glad
it is over, I miss it a bit. I loved the relaxed pace and I will miss
the quiet times reflecting on coursework or discussing events with my
friends and classmates. However, I really look forward to the application
of my learning to problems. There is certainly no shortage of problems
out there to solve.
For those of you who don't know it, this graduation is from the Master
of Science in Information from the School of Information. I was part of
the class in 1997 that was the first to go through the new curriculum
established by the school. I attended part time as I was working full
time for a while and then I worked two part time jobs while going to school.
Yes...I like to keep busy.
The day of the graduation was very snowy and cold, but we managed
to make it to the SI brunch right on time. It was pretty decent
food in a relaxed atmosphere where I got to see and chat with my
fellow graduates. I also got to talk with some of the other faculty
and staff from SI about life after graduation.
After this event, we departed for Crisler Arena. I wanted to make
sure I got there with time to spare, given the weather and I arrived
right on time.
Several photos were taken during the ceremony and I was lucky enough
to have a friend of mine record it for me (it was broadcast on the U of
M public access channel). Below are a few of the photos that came out
The seating arrangement had me in the last row of graduates and I sat
with only one other graduate from my school. Apparently, everyone else
couldn't be bothered to attend the ceremony. Given the weather, I guess
I really can't blame them.
After the Ph.D.'s got their diplomas, the masters degree
recipients got called up on stage to shake hands with the Provost
of the University and the dean of the particular school. That's me
on the big screen shaking the Provost's hand. I am very glad I got
to go up there. After 3 years of work, I got my time on the big screen. |
Thanks to my family for all of their support! I'm glad
you could all make it to the graduation! |
A special thanks needs to go out to Yener. I really
don't know how I could have made it through the program with out his
support. He's helped me in ways I can only begin to describe and I
owe a portion of my success to him. Thanks for helping me through
this, Yener. Thanks for keeping me sane and being there when I needed
support. |
After graduation, my brother and father dropped off a graduation gift
for me. It was a beautiful frame for my diploma. It looks spectacular
and I'll be hanging it on my wall with pride very soon!
Thanks again to my family, all of my friends, my classmates, my employers,
and my professors for their patience, efforts, honesty, interest, and
support during my studies and beyond.