My visit, to put it mildly, was too short. I liked hanging out
with him and it would be really great for him to come see my neck
of the woods. I think he would enjoy some of the sites here in
Unfortunately, he's still not certain as to his future after graduation.
That's a topic we touch on a lot. Anyone need a journalist? E-mail
me if you do and I'll pass the job lead along to him, although
he was recently hired by a newspaper in Pennsylavania, it's always
good to know that you're wanted.
What most people can't tell about Dante by looking at him is that
he's very much into his music. I managed to talk him into performing
a song of his for me ( took some convincing! He's a little
shy about it.). I got to hear him play guitar and sing one of his
songs. It was really cool, but then I love it when people sing or
play for me. Apparently, he had some songs recorded on my computer
and he was kind enough to burn some onto a CD for me to listen to
He sent me the following picture of him out on the town with a
friend of his. I thought it was a good picture so I decided to
post it. At least you get a good shot of a genuine smile. :-)
 Dante's involved in a cool rugby team in Pennsylvania. Check out
their website.
Here are some pictures he sent me of him in action:
Dante in the scrum! |
Working hard |
Playing hard |
Dante relaxing after a game. |